Community Service from Boyscouts

Community service from Boyscouts is an integral part of what the Boy Scouting organization is all about. The projects selected give the Scout a sense of responsibility and accomplishment.

Community service from Boyscouts is an integral part of being loyal and trustworthy. No matter how long or short the project is, it can have a significant impact on the whole town and allow all the Scouts involved to develop leadership skills, learn to work as a part of a team, and make a big difference in their neighborhood.

Most cities have parks that the people of that city can go to relax and have fun, or go hiking and biking, skating or what have you. One great idea for the Scouts is to give their city a better-looking area to do all of these things.

Making the parks within the city more attractive will be an ongoing project that could take years to complete. Start by talking to the leaders of the city and get permission to clear a nature trail for walking, hiking, and biking. Then add some plantings of native plants or let some of the area go back to the wild, help it along by planting wildflower seeds.

Give a neighborhood school a freshening up by repainting the exterior, mending fences, and sprucing up the landscaping.
Put up fences around area athletic fields and help get them ready for the next season.

Churches in cities or towns can always use some help of some kind or another. Talk to the minister and get some ideas on things that need fixing.
Engage with local leaders to make a difference in many lives. Present to them an informational program on just precisely the types of things the Boy Scouts have been responsible for in the past and what they are willing to do for the city, parks, and neighborhoods in the area in the future. Let the local leaders have a crack at coming up with things that the troops can do around town.

Organize meal delivery for shut-ins and fun events for nursing home residents. Create a mentoring program for younger boys or a tutoring program for struggling students.

Start a weekend soup kitchen for the needy or create a carpool program for local workers. Initiate an informational presentation on Boy Scout projects and let the community know how they can contribute.

Create a list of home projects that the Boy Scouts are willing to complete, then hold an auction and complete the work for the highest bidder then donate any proceeds to a local charity.

Organize a fitness day to help raise awareness about the importance of physical health.
Install new seating for public areas like new benches in the parks and along those brand new nature trials you cleared.
Volunteer to stock shelves and sort food at the local food pantry. Set up donation boxes all over town and collect the food at the end of each week.
Assemble backpacks full of school supplies for children from needy families or full of blankets and necessities for the homeless as a part of your community service from Boyscouts.

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