Posted: 2/16/2022, 12:00 AM

PRESS RELEASE – BOSTON, MA: February 16, 2022 — The largest online referral network for small businesses,, is announcing the results of its national search for leaders who’ve gone above and beyond guiding peers and supporting entire communities as they strive to recover.

Today, Alignable’s network has chosen DAVID GREAVES of JOHN J BYRNE COMMUNITY CENTER | UNIONDALE, as Uniondale’s 2022 Business Person Of The Year!  

The 2022 contest is the most popular competition Alignable has ever hosted, marking a 64% increase in participation over last year. In all,2,400+ small business owners were elected by their peers to be their Local Business People Of The Year across the U.S. and Canada.

During the contest, which ran from Jan. 10 to Feb. 11, 2022, 160,000+ votes and 32,000+ testimonials were posted praising thousands of local leaders for helping their peers and communities through a turbulent year with many challenges: skyrocketing inflation, labor shortages, supply chain problems, and COVID variants.

Because of these issues, 70% of small businesses have yet to recover and recovery rates have declined 13% since December, according to Alignable’s latest poll of 6,305 small business owners. This recovery reversal highlights how important it is for the contest winners to continue their work helping even more businesses bounce back from pandemic-era hurdles.

Giving Is The Glue Holding Us Together

“In our tight-knit community, you almost always get back what you give,” said Greaves. “And the challenges we’ve all encountered have compelled many of us to offer counsel and other support to peers struggling to keep their businesses afloat. While I’m thrilled to receive this award, it’s really a testament to our entire community. And it reinforces my resolve to push toward a full recovery for everyone here in Uniondale by the end of 2022, if not earlier.”

Greaves received a special badge on his Alignable profile, recognizing this big win. In past years, the awareness generated through similar contests has spurred expanded connections, as well as new business for many winners.

Driving Recognition Is Key

“This has been a fun and rewarding contest to watch unfold,” said Alignable’s President & Co-Founder Venkat Krishnamurthy. “Local business owners are the heart and soul of their communities, and they ought to get way more recognition for all they do. Friendly competition aside, this contest generated some incredible peer testimonials (to the tune of 32,000+), showing exactly why small business owners are stronger together.”

To arrange interviews with David Greaves and/or an Alignable representative, please contact Chuck Casto at [email protected]. He also can offer JPEGs and other visuals, as well as local winner testimonials.

About John J Byrne Community Center

John J Byrne Community Center provides space and facilities for local non-profit agencies. Because we operate and maintain the facilities, nonprofits are more effective at the missions unique to their organization. Organizations providing youth services, for example, benefit from this structure as the program-service organizations, such as the Uniondale Community Council’s Youth Project, are enabled to focus relentlessly on improving their lot in life. To their extraordinary credit, the organization has managed a decent operation for over thirty years, despite a lack of public funding, without compensated staff, but for volunteers, and its all-volunteer board.

Future-wise, the organization is determined to be forging ahead with expanding its facilities and services to include more space and activities for children, youth and families, while advocating for much-needed public and private support to up its game.

About Alignable is the largest online referral network for small businesses in the U.S. and Canada. With 7 million+ members across 35,000+ local communities, Alignable is the network where small business owners drive leads and prospects, generate referrals, land new business, build trusted relationships, and share great advice.

David Greaves

800 Jerusalem Avenue

PO Box 53

Uniondale, NY 11553

PH: (516) 554-8124

MOBILE: (516) 761-6581

[email protected]

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